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Contest Rules

Everyone is encouraged to participate, so restrictions are minimal!

Kits and pre-made gingerbread are allowed. Just be sure to add your personal touch!

Houses must have been built within the current year.

Please build and deliver your house on a sturdy base measuring no bigger than 15”

Visible elements of the house should be edible. (Does not include base or architecture under visible décor.) Items in the environment of your house may be inedible.

Designs may be any structure: houses, businesses, public buildings, hotels, churches, etc.
Structures will be viewed from all angles.

ENTRY DELIVERY: Again this year we ask all entrants deliver their creations to the CENTURY21 Deaton and Company Real Estate office in Whitefish, located at 750 2nd Street. Entries will be received over two days at the following times:
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11:  10:00am - 1:00pm
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12:  2:30pm - 6:00pm

If neither of the above times work with your schedule, please contact us to coordinate an alternative

Entries must be picked up during the Christmas Stroll anytime after the announcement of the winners (starting at 8:15pm)


November 3  -  Entries Open

December 11 -  Deadliner to Register EXTENDED!



​Deliver entries to CENTURY 21 Whitefish office, 750 2nd Street

December 11 
10am to 1pm

December 12  
2:30pm to 6pm


December 13, 5:15pm - 7:30pm
Whitefish Christmas Stroll! Voting and viewing starting at 5:15pm, located in the CENTURY 21 tent, located in front of Stumptown Art Studio. Voting ends promptly at 7:30pm, viewing continues until the end of the Stroll

December 13, 8pm 
Winners of three divisions in both categories (Youth and General) announced

December 13 starting at 8:15 thru the end of the Christmas Stroll  Entry Pickup after winner announcement


© 2024 CENTURY 21 Deaton and Company Real Estate

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